Friday, 16 November 2018

Daily photo challenge round up (week 24)

lomo - daily photo challenge round up header - C Gault 2018

It's been a week of two halves, starting poorly and ending (yesterday and today) with Andrew being off and us having fun with the redecoration task of the dining room. We've been enjoying the ripping out of old stuff and the getting in of stuff we really love and making our house more of a home :)

But for now, let's take a break and share in the weekly photo round up...

Day 10 - big

The many big fabulous bridges as you enter into Newcastle

C, Gault 2018
Day 11 - small

Remembering a lovely May day with little lambs, watched by their mothers, wandering the hills as we hiked by

C, Gault 2018
Day 12 - imperfect pic/ an intentionally bad photo.

Oh this hurt my soul.
Shoved my finger in front of the lens. Let's never do that again!

C,.Gault 2018
Day 13 - view for the day

No matter what I've been up to, this view of my new eternity ring is constantly grabbing my attention. Materialistic, ostentatious - I don't care, my Love bought it out of the blue last week and presented me with it! Eek!

C. Gault 2018
Day 14 - gorgeous 

Gorgeous carving on a wooden door

C. Gault 2018
Day 14b - gorgeous....
boy. he got his hair cut recently and has needed the blankie to keep him warmer. Looking fine though 🤗

C. Gault 2018
Day 15 - walk...
No way, not in this rain thank you very much 🌧

C. Gault 2018
Day 16 - clouds
Nothing better than seeing them from above!

I hope you enjoyed that.
Don't forget about the current giveaway (see last post) a just like new book by Joe Swift on the joys of the Allotment that we got as a present but thought we'd pass it on to you xx

Carrie xx


  1. A good selection of pictures. xx

  2. Oh dear, making you take an intentionally bad photo is cruel. What a lovely surprise gift to make up for it.


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