Friday, 6 September 2019

A new start and weekly photo challenge round up (week 1)

Sometimes my intentions aren't easily converted onto actions. I struggle with myself and the things I want to do are foremost in my mind but simply won't come to fruition.

I've had photographer's block and writer's block; that is, 'bloggers block' for a very long time now. So long that for me writing even this is like pulling my own teeth.

I shall just get this awkwardness over with and say "Hello dear friend, I'm back!"

I'm starting up with the weekly Friday 'daily photo review' again. If you remember I joined up with the fabulous Fat Mum Slim last year, doing her prompts for daily photography inspiration (I did a total of 27 weeks running)along with hundreds of other people all over the world.

This month we are doing the alphabet to begin with so....

A is for Advertising

B - Box of Belgian Chocolates.

 C is for Coffee beans

D is for Diana F+ 😁
I haven't used this and I ought to, shame on me.

E is for Elephant and rather extravagant one too.

F is for Ferns in the Forest.
Beautiful Glenarm forest last Sunday

Hugs and love


  1. I like the idea of an alphabetical photo month! Always fun to see how photographers choose their objects. And welcome back, friend.

    1. thank you so much! Boy, is it interesting seeing what people choose this time round. I have always loved the prompts that are specific and seeing how people interpret the same thing but this has thrown the doors wide open - I'm loving it :)

  2. Welcome back. Lovely post and pictures. Take care, and hugs. xx

  3. Hello there YOU ! .. I too have had "blockage" and just today did a post to try and get over it .. but it might still be a bit sporadic ? ..
    Your photos for the challenge are perfect and I am happy for you that you are managing to get over your blockage now too .. maybe we should form a temporary blockage club ? LOL
    Take care sweetie !

    1. Haha - a temporary blockage club sounds great. I am going to be going on more hikes now I'm feeling better and may even visit the allotment one day - exciting xx

  4. Welcome back - love the elephant

    1. thank you xx It's a cutie isn't it, someone gave it to us as a souvenir years ago :)

  5. Well done for the effort to start blogginh again. I'm know how hard it can be :( Such a good idea to do an alphabet photo shoot :) Keith

  6. thank you Keith, I think it'll be slow starting back but I promise to push myself :)

  7. Replies
    1. I have a Sony alpha a6000 (mirrorless digital camera) and kit lens (16-50), plus a couple of extra lenses :) I am a super lucky girl!


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