Thursday, 11 October 2018

Newry Canal trail (Ulster Way)

I went on a hike friends! It happened, finally, on Saturday last and was 10 miles of glorious canal side dandering with Toby in tow. Andrew worked it all out and we drove to Scarva and left the car, got a bus to just outside Newry and started to walk back. If we had done it the 'proper' way we would have had 2 miles of walking through Newry's industrial estates and beside a duel carriage way before started, so stuff that!

My hip is still bad and sadly the new medication didn't take the pain away but at least it didn't get too much worse. I got my first blister in a while (the tow path was tarmac-ed and very unforgiving - even Toby hurt his wee ankle) and the good old pain in the shoulder right at the 10 mile mark like clockwork but...10 miles off the Ulster Way; a huge bag of sloes and beautiful weather = happy times.
Newry canal walk 1 - Carrie Gault 2018
A beautiful leafy walk to the canal from the bus stop
Newry canal walk 2 - Carrie Gault 2018
apples, rosehips and the official path
Newry canal walk 3 - Carrie Gault 2018
pretty perfect day for it!!
Newry canal walk 4 - Carrie Gault 2018
signs pointing in all directions and details of the old remains
Newry canal walk 5 - Carrie Gault 2018
my boys ; the pastoral views, a sculpture honouring the canal and all those who worked on it
Newry canal walk 6 - Carrie Gault 2018
dandelion; some of the many horses on the trail, sloes galore - they're ours all ours!

Newry canal walk 7 - Carrie Gault 2018
Never seen so many swans in the one walk but these three were the closest and oh so elegant

Newry canal walk 8 - Carrie Gault 2018
lunch stop at this lovely crumbling bridge with views into a sheep field and a slightly sleepy Toby behind me

Newry canal walk 9 - Carrie Gault 2018
Time for a break in Poyntzpass with it's lovely town sign; railway control box; old traditional pub and a Guinness

Newry canal walk 10 - Carrie Gault 2018
Then just a few more miles past more lovely woodland and this idyllic 'Lough Shark' (or 'Acton Lake'). Toby hurt his ankle so had to carried the last mile or so - he seemed to like it

So there we go, a good walk and I'm slowing getting myself back into hiking. We have a goal in mind for next year and plans are afoot but I'll not share that just yet 😉. Into the Mournes this weekend....

Ecotherapy rocks!
Carrie x


  1. Replies
    1. haha YES it was, i saw most of that hike through the viewfinder xxx

  2. An enjoyable post and lovely pictures. Glad to see that it was a good walk, but a bit surprised you did it in view of your comment about your hip.
    Take care. xx

    1. Thank you Mike xx I guess I put too much hope into the new pain medication working right away, it was silly but at the same time I have to keep exercising so on balance it was worth it. Next time I'll have more with me xx

  3. Catching up - how is Toby? And you? This week our hike turned back early - a new man needed many rests as it was HOT.

    1. I have so much catching up to do myself - eeek! Sorry, I just haven't been up to it, writing my own is exhausting.
      Toby is fabulous and even did a trek into the Mourne mountains the week after so his wee leg is fine and dandy :) xx


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