Friday, 27 September 2019

Daily photo challenge round up (week 4)

Oh my lovelies, I can't apologise enough for my absolute forgetfulness; it's shameful and believe me I am writing this with my head hung. I still haven't written about the allotment from 2? weeks ago and last weekend we did more hiking which I have neglected to get blogged for prosperity!

I need to go on an intravenous caffeine dip or I'll never get stuff done...

HOWEVER it is Friday (again!!) and thus it is time for a daily photo prompt round up in association with Fat Mum Slim.

We've come to the end of our alphabet and towards the end of the month - eek!. It's been enjoyable and I think I may be getting my camera groove back 😀 The last few days are non-alphabet prompts, as you will see here with 'Words' being today's prompt.

 U is for Unicorn talisman; always on my backpack.

V is for a View of the Virginia Creeper through the Viewfinder of a Vintage camera 😀

W is for Woven.

 X is for, well an X. Cross stitched with many little x stitches to make up the whole.

 Y is for the Yellow signs we followed all along the Cumbria Way this spring.

Z is for Zen-like (how I feel when meditating with my Tibetan singing bowl)

Words...of encouragement spray painted on the tarmac 🤗

And there we have it for another week. I endeavour to my fingers tippy tapping on the keyboard more this week coming and catch up on myself. 

Carrie x


  1. Glad to read that you are back in the groove. Hope that you keep that camera busy!

    1. thank you, i'm trying alright! My camera was so busy at the weekend :)

  2. Good selection of pictures. I like the unicorn. Take care, and hugs. xx

  3. I have piles of photos to sort, and a few blog posts to work thru too.

  4. oh goodness I take so many photos and never do anything with them, plus I feel the blog posts are building up on me already - eek! x


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